Saturday, December 26, 2009

Winter Ranching

Here in the cold, kids are loving the ice and the fun of exploring the outdoors at PV Ranch Adventures. Take a walk down our beautiful lynch creek where the sound of the water gurgling nearby is part of the peace that enfolds our amazing wilderness.

Well, the cows have come home and PVRanch Adventures is settling in for a long, cozy winter. We had a couple in the cabin over Christmas who thoroughly enjoyed the comforts and the peace - and the visit of some wild turkeys of our guest ranch. Come join us. Call to find out about the lowered winter rates. visit our website at

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Come join PV Ranch Adventures in our fall round ups and winter sortings. Your cabin is warm and cozy in the crisp fall air with beautiful scenery around you. Each couple of weeks we gather up the cows into our corrals and sort out which of them goes into which field. We brand and sort for selling as well. Above is a picture of the ranch boss Al opening the gate way up north on our range so the cows can come home. They are all currently nestled in our fields waiting for winter and calving season.
Here is Al and George, PV Ranch Adventures partners just home from their big man camping trip up Mount Faith. It was a cold but beautiful trip. Mount Faith is stunning this time of year.